TransWord India
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Free Translation

No matter how sophisticated or expensive a translation program may be, it has major limitations. A software package can only do what it is programmed to do. Translation programs are fine for single word translation, but they cannot perform contextual translation. Regardless of the manufacturer's claims, no software package can deal with the constantly changing nature of a living language. Legal, scientific and specialized phrases and terms are a particularly problematic area for translation programs, but they also often have difficulty with simple homonyms and synonyms.
We continually test various translation programs to see just how accurate they are. Online translation services (such as given below) were included in the tests. Prices ranged from free to very expensive, but all tested programs provided the same results. None of the programs yielded accurate contextual translation. In other words, the meaning of the original passage was lost in the translation.

Machine translations can assist in translating simple texts to give general meaning. They are however not suitable for complex texts.

You can test our claim using our online free translation service.

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